(Reporters Feng Li Yutong Fan)
On the afternoon of July 6th, the “Four PostsFour Electrics” internationalacademic exchangeconference, sponsored by the China Scholarship Council and hosted byXidian University, was successfully held.Mr.ShenggangWang, formerdeputysecretary-general of the China Scholarship Council,Ms.YanZhou, formerdeputysecretary-general of theDivision of International Cooperation and Exchange,Mr.TongWen,Director ofInternationalCooperation and Exchange Division of the Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government,Mr.JinchengZhang, Vice President ofXidianUniversity,Mr.YulongShen, Minister ofthe Division ofInternational Cooperation and Exchanges,as well as more than 60 teachers and students from8 Universities includingBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and University of Electronic Science and Technologyof China, attended the event. The opening ceremony washostedby Chen Huilin, Dean of School of International Education.
Mr. Tong Wen introduced theprimarysituation of thedevelopment ofstudyingabroadinShaanxi Provincetothe attending teachersandstudents, andaffirmed the achievementsmade byXidianUniversityinopeningupofeducationinternationally. He hoped that international students could fully exchange academic ideas, share knowledge,andpromote progress in the field of electronics and information, enhance understanding and friendship among youtharound the world, thus, tobuild a more open, inclusive and sharingglobal academic environment.
On behalf of the university,Mr.JinchengZhangexpressedgratitudeto the China Scholarship Council for its strong support for the event and welcomed the faculty and students from various universities. He encouraged international students to further enhance their professional skills,firmlypursue scientific exploration, make academic connections with like-minded partners, lay the foundation for future scientific research cooperation between China andforeigncountries, and become promoters of Chinese culture and witnesses of Chinese development.
Mr.ShenggangWangintroduced the historical originand effectiveness ofthe“Perceive China”activity, praising Xidian University’s active exploration of a comprehensive development model for international education. He hoped that the “Four PostsFourElectrics” universities would continue to share their experiences in Chinese universities, summarize and apply the outcomes of the conference effectively, and contribute to the high-quality development of international education in China.
During the event,Mr.YulongShendelivered a thematic report on the “Development Trend of Future Network - Technology and Applications of Satellite Internet,” providing a comprehensive analysis of the future applications and significance of satellite internet.
The academicpresentationsession was presided over by our international student,IrzumShafique, with Associate ProfessorDr.LvLufrom the School of Communication Engineering providing comments. Thirteen international student representatives from differentmajor,includingartificial intelligence and electronic engineering,presented themed reports onubiquitous communication-related research, including information and communication engineering, electronic science and technology, and computer science and technology, etc.
Throughout the event, participants visited the Xidian University Museum, AI+ Education Center, as well as historical sites such as the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, Terracotta Warriorsand Horses, andHuaqingPool, deepening their understanding of Chinese culture and technology.
It is reported that the “Perceive China” series of activities was established by the China Scholarship Council in 2014, with tens of thousands of international students participating over the past 11 years. The aim of this event was to furtherimplement the “Beijing Declaration” of the eight electronic information characteristic universities,to furtherstrengthentheexchanges in international education for the “Four PostsFourElectrics”,guide international students to broaden their research horizons, andimprovetheir academic level.